Easy to explicate. I got messages from abroad on my Yahoo!360 and also got a lot of visits from USA on my site “How to learn Italian”
I hope the message exchange will continue on Yahoo!360, or, better, on my Forum. And that’s one… and my readers from USA? … They read my sites, especially “How to learn Italian” and “Italian culture in pills”, and spend their time on my sites (more or less, 10 minutes each)… I’m very proud of that but I can’t start a true conversation with my readers, they read but never write anything… Now for the fist time I added on my site “How to learn Italian” a little list of my readers (only country and location) accustomed to go back to my sites several times. I hope this expedient will encourage them to write a post for my forum… I hope they wouldn’t stop reading my websites… My only aim in building my sites is to get in touch with English speaking people and my site’s philosophy is “Noting commercial here but only friendly!”
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