Our English-Italian Forum “ESSERE IN DUE un forum per discutere in amicizia” (TO BE TWO a forum to discuss friendly)
is an absolutely commercial free site (nothing commercial here but only friendly!) created to let friends from everywhere in the world discuss freely and friendly, in English if they like better or in Italian if they are able to... recently our English section became more and more consistent with a lot of messages posted by a friend from USA. This Discussion board could help English native speakers improve their skills in reading and writing Italian, if they don’t like better try to get in touch by chat with me or with someone of the users of the discussion board, obviously always friendly, absolutely free and with nothing commercial involved.
There is also another site very useful to learn Italian (clearly absolutely free and friendly) “HOW TO LEARN ITALIAN”
There is also another site very useful to learn Italian (clearly absolutely free and friendly) “HOW TO LEARN ITALIAN”
You can find on this site everything you need to learn Italian: Grammar, Italian texts to read while you are listening to an actor reading the same Italian text, Italian television stations to watch right on my website, and a lot of other useful instruments to improve your Italian or to start from the beginning.
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