I got a visit from Perth (Western Australia), therefore there’s someone over there who can read my posts! Great! It would be better e/mail me but I know people don’t like writing… and I have to apologize because I didn’t put my e/mail in my profile but I just inserted it, now, if you like, you can contact me!
Remember, if you study Italian or Latin or have intention sooner or later to come to Italy and to Rome in particular, it would be useful to get in contact with me. American, Canadian or Australian students don’t like Italy at all? No one of them studies Italian or Latin? Is it possible? Here in Italy, nowadays, studying English is mandatory in every kind of school… when I was young things where different, everybody (like me) studied French but now, by songs, films, internet and so on, English is spoken or at list understood everywhere also in Italy.
I can guarantee to you that Italy is beautiful and to know its history and its ancient and modern culture is useful for one wide cultural formation.
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