Recent studies tried to reconstruct the original architectonic aspect, on which no information is available neither by the historical roman sources. The bridge appears for the first time in Procopius which narrate the vicissitudes of the Greek-Gothic war, he remembers that all the bridges crossing the Aniene (Mammolo, Salario and Nornentano) where destroyed from Totila in the 549. Subsequently Narsete, the commander sent from Giustinian in Italy and winner of the war, supplied to restore all the bridges destroyed from Totila between Rome and the Umbria.
And now another question.
I’m still desperately searching for someone (English native speakers) interested to the Italian language and to the Italian culture, students, teachers, anyone who likes Italy, its language, its history, its art or its culture… Have you ever thought about studying Italian? Or about coming here in Italy? I don’t make any distinction neither for age neither for sex neither for anything, only I’d like to meet people interested to Italy. But are there teachers teaching Italian? Are there students of languages? Are there persons of Italian origin that like to know the language of their fathers? If there is someone… I’m here waiting for you… Break the ice! (by forum or by e-mail, available in my profile, or any other way). No tricks here, nothing commercial, but only friendly.
Take care!
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