No more than 14 months ago, I created my website “ESSERE IN DUE” about being two, it was a website both for young and older people. My site started just like a little thing, but then step by step it became gradually more consisting. Next Sunday my website was classified TOP FIFE by Virgilio, one of the most important web companies in Italy, the days after the TOP FIVE classification, my site was visited by over thousand people a day, my site was also placed in Google motor. By my statistical site I was informed that it was visited from 15 different countries all over the world, including Japan, Egypt and Iceland but no visits from US neither from Canada. Now my week of glory is going to an end and my site will catch only ten o less visits a day. I don’t understand exactly what happened but, I repeat, no one from US or from Canada. Europe is an old Lady, it’s true, and Europe countries hardly know just something about America but, that’s my question, what do they know Americans about Europe? Are they interested in reading something about my ancient country? Are they used to surf European web ocean? I’m waiting for an answer.
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