Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Dear readers,
just started. Encouraged from the number of my readers, moreover collapsed after the week of glory of “Virgilio TOP FIVE” (my site “ESSERE IN DUE” vas published as “top five” site) and encouraged from the recurrent presence of some readers according to my statistical site, I decided to start a public access FORUM, I chose one that gives a good guarantee of seriousness and today, March 23 2006, I finally activated it. This FORUM whose URL is:
will be accessible from my site “ESSERE IN DUE” (“TO BE TWO”)
and from my blog, whose title is once again “TO BE IN TWO”
to the site I will add a dedicated page to the FORUM, to the BLOG I will add the connection in on directory “MY SITES” (“I MIEI SITI”) but I will be able to only give an warning (a post) that will slide towards the bottom with the arrival of the other posts; the structure of the blog does not allow to evidence too much links, the part of code HTML available is minimal. I will slowly try to become some more expert in the use of the Forum and will try to explain everything in a clear way on the page “FORUM” of the site “ESSERE IN DUE”. For the moment you can however approach the FORUM and, if you succeed to make it to work before I can, I will be the first one to be content. I know very well that just few web customers use a forum and that therefore many readers are mistrustful but I can guarantee to you that in my Forum, like in all my sites and blogs, there aren’t tricks neither trades purposes of any kind. It’s only an exchange of ideas between friends. Thanks!
I’m waiting for you! Characteristics of the FORUM: 1) Anyone can insert new posts; in order to approach like a gust sign up isn’t necessary! 2) Who thinks it opportune can, if he likes, to sign up (but this is not at all necessary in order to participate to the Forum), in this case he must insert a valid email to which the password will be sent. But, I repeat, all this procedure is not at all necessary in order to approach the Forum. The function that would concur to send an email through the forum to another recorded customer has been switched off, in order to avoid whichever possible action of disturbance (however almost unthinkable in a Forum like mine). 3) Clearly you must avoid putting in the posts things like last names, addresses, email, telephone or cellular numbers or credit card numbers. These things, included in a post, are automatically accessible to the public. 4) Now it’s enough in order to try to approach the Forum… I repeat that this is not a general Forum (where you can find some “minimal” risk, if a “minimum” of precaution is not used), this is the most checked Forum, and with high level of reliability. Therefore, you can try my forum in English. There is something also for you!

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