Sunday, May 14, 2006

Latet anguis in herba

Latet anguis in herba
(Vergil's Third Eclogue).

this phrase means " the snake hides in the grass", is a way to say in order to indicate that " must be prudent". Until here all good, but if there is someone that is interested to the language or to the Italian culture he must not have fear, "there aren't snakes in the grass!"
I never got neither single visit from US or Canada, only one from Australia, noting at all from UK. Nobody can read my posts? ...
And then the Latin, also in pills, is a beautiful language like English and Italian.
Dante said:

"nati non foste a viver come bruti
ma per seguir virtute e conoscenza"

this means that " we are not been born for living like the animals but in order to follow the virtue and wisdom . Therefore, courage!