Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Today I got an e-mail!

Today I got an e-mail from abroad! According to my statistical sites probably this mail comes from “Cote d’Ivoire”. I have to thank shaka0070 that sent me an e-mail that I appreciated very well and also suggested me the address of a website (for hosting) truly interesting. It doesn’t happen every day, indeed, to receive an e-mail from the visitors of my sites, specially if they are French speaking. My French is not perfect but, I‘m able to read, to write and also to speak French without too many difficulties. Thanks!
Si vous voulez m’écrire quelque chose aussi en Français je serai bien heureux de lire e, s’il est possible, de répondre aussi. Je souhaite une bonne permanence sur mon site à tous ceux qui aiment l’Italie et la langue italienne. Merci a tous!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Conciliation street and "spina di borgo"

The first picture was taken in 1899 from the top of the Saint Peter’s Basilica. The “spina di borgo”, characteristic zone of the medieval and renaissance Rome, has been demolished in order to leave place to the Conciliation street inaugurated in 1937 (Conciliation between Italian kingdom and the Pope in 1929, you have to remember that Rome was ruled bay Popes till 1870 when the “bersaglieri” soldiers of Italian Kingdom entered the city and the Pope retired in Vatican, The popes till 1870 used to reside in “Quirinale” the big palace that staring from 1870 became the palace of the Kings of Italy, Savoia family). On the background the works of construction of the Palace of Justice are still not begun (building work started in 1889 and finished in 1910, architect Guglielmo Calderini).

The second picture was taken in 1938 from Sant’Angelo Castle. You can see the Basilica of Saint Peter and Conciliation street not still completed. To the age of the photo the “spina di borgo” had been demolished.

The third picture shows Conciliation Street that was opened in 1937. There are aligned on the way “Santa Maria in Transpontina” very ancient church, rebuilt in 1566 (renaissance facade of G.S. Peruzzi, son of Baldassarre, finished in the 1587 from Mascherino); the palace Torlonia, already Giraud, reproduction in reduced scale of the papal “cancelleria”; the palace of the Convertendi, erected in the second half of the XVI century, demolished, moved and here reconstructed in 1937. In front of this palace there’s the palace of the Penitenzieri, attributed to Pontelli (1481), but almost rebuilt (in the inside, frescoes attributed to the Pinturicchio). The demolition of the “spina di borgo” has destroyed the effect produced by the opening unexpected of Saint Peter Square beyond the buildings of the “spina”. Saint Peter square, masterwork of architecture of Bernini (1656-1667), is an immense ellipses 240 meters width. The 284 colossal columns and the 88 pillars altogether form 3 covered galleries 17 meters wide, crowned from 140 statues of saints and from the great coats of arms of Alexander VII. In bottom to the right porch there is the bronze door of the Vatican palace. To the center of the public square between the two beautiful fountains, there’s an obelisk 25,50 meters high, based on the back of four bronze lions, placed on the high pedestal. This obelisk in the Middle Age was called “aguglia”, and people believed that on the top, in a gold urn, the ashes of Cesar were placed.

Dante, Inferno, XXVI, 119-120

Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e conoscenza
(Dante, Inferno, XXVI, 119-120)

You were not created to live as brutes,
But to pursue virtue and knowledge.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Nomentano Bridge

Nomentano bridge, many times painted from the XV century, is one of the most scenic monuments of the Roman country. It was erected in the point in which the Nomentana road crossed the Aniene river near the hill of the Sacred Mount, probably in the place where, from the most ancient age, the herds moving towards the sea used to cross the river.
Recent studies tried to reconstruct the original architectonic aspect, on which no information is available neither by the historical roman sources. The bridge appears for the first time in Procopius which narrate the vicissitudes of the Greek-Gothic war, he remembers that all the bridges crossing the Aniene (Mammolo, Salario and Nornentano) where destroyed from Totila in the 549. Subsequently Narsete, the commander sent from Giustinian in Italy and winner of the war, supplied to restore all the bridges destroyed from Totila between Rome and the Umbria.
And now another question.
I’m still desperately searching for someone (English native speakers) interested to the Italian language and to the Italian culture, students, teachers, anyone who likes Italy, its language, its history, its art or its culture… Have you ever thought about studying Italian? Or about coming here in Italy? I don’t make any distinction neither for age neither for sex neither for anything, only I’d like to meet people interested to Italy. But are there teachers teaching Italian? Are there students of languages? Are there persons of Italian origin that like to know the language of their fathers? If there is someone… I’m here waiting for you… Break the ice! (by forum or by e-mail, available in my profile, or any other way). No tricks here, nothing commercial, but only friendly.
Take care!

Spain square in Rome

In the photo you can see the stairs of Trinity of the Mounts, built by Specchi and F. De Sanctis (1721-1725), with a bequest of French Ambassador S. Gouffier. On the right there is the red cottage where the English poet G. Keats died in the 1821, in this cottage is located a small museum dedicated to Keats and Shelley. To the center, you can see the Sallustian obelisk (coming from the Sallustian gardens, near Salaria door), imperial roman imitation of Egyptian obelisks of Seti and Ramesse, raised here in 1789 by the Pope Sixtus V. On the top of the stairs there is Trinity of the Mounts church, one of the French churches of Rome, begun in 1495 from Carl VIII, consecrated in the 1585 from Sixtus V, restored, after the breakdowns of the Napoleonic occupation, from F. Mazois, at expenses of Louis XVIII.

The Emperor Adrian

I have to apologize for my bad English, perhaps my English speakers visitors go straight away in seconds (only 2 seconds this time) because of my English… I noticed that my statistical site reports the visit time according to the reader’s time and because my readers are all over the world and use very different times (GMT, GMT+ …) I find my last visit enlisted at 11.30 a.m. (Central Europe Time) and the previous visits from abroad at 12.30! … That’s the thing! And now I’m newly sending a message in order to check the web, searching for readers and, I’d highlight, for readers interested in Italian language or in Italian culture. Now I’d tell you something interesting about Rome photos, there’s a site

(http://www.photoroma.com/index.php) where you can download free photos not only of Rome but also of many others Italian cities, I just checked this site and it was well worth the effort. It’s not a tourist-oriented site, it’s a roman people oriented site! You can find there something interesting about “madonnelle romane” (the Madonna’s images at the corners of buildings) end also about the history of Rome, from the Italian corner. … But the site, which gives also an essential description of every photo, is in Italian… that’s why you’d do better learning Italian at list as I can read English!
From now on I’ll put on my posts some photographs downloaded from “photoroma” and I’ll tray to explicate what they are about, in my bad English.
Now we start from Sant’Angelo Castle (you can see it in the photo). The architect Decrianus built this monument when Adrian was emperor in 135 a. C. and the work ended in 139 with Antoninus Pius. Called also Hadrianaeum (the monument or the tomb of Hadrian) it’s very big, on the top of a square base (84x84 m.), there was, and there is now, a cylindrical construction (64 m. of diameter), of travertine (an Italian and typical roman marble) and “lava” stone, and a “tumulus” (a little hill which doesn’t exist no more) of earth, Etruscan style, cultivated as a garden. Inside a helicoidal “rampa” (climb), still existing, and a rectilinear gallery lead to the cell, in which the emperors from Adrian to Septimius Severus were buried, with their families.
But I called my site “Italian culture in pills” therefore now I’ll tell you something else about Adrian.
There’s a poetic fragment of emperor Adrian in the “Historia Augusta” (25,9) you have to know. The poet-emperor waiting for the death tells something minimal to his own soul, which is going to go in shadow places where smile isn’t possible:

Animula, vagula, blandula,
Hospes, comesque corporis,
Quae nunc abibis in loca,
Pallidula, rigida, nudula,
Nec, ut soles, dabis jocos

Which to the English reader may see translated with all the spirit of the original:

Poor, little, pretty soul,
Guest and mate of my body,
You are going to go to neglected
And frosted shadow places,
You’ll no more make me happy
With your pleasing vein and humorous folly
Lake you where used to.

But you have to remember that Adrian was also an emperor and certainly not the champion of tolerance both in peace and in war! Poetry is not all the life!
Take care!

Searching for readers

Today I communicated to “Google” and to “Virgilio” the opening of my site “How to learn Italian” (former “Learn Italian”); in some days it would be inserted. My main site has already been inserted on Google but also my blog in Italian and my main blog in English have been inserted. I have therefore good hopes to succeed to insert also my site about learning Italian language. Perhaps (I hope at list) I will succeed to obtain a greater number of visitors. This moment it seems to me I constructed a castle which no reader likes enter … today I found that a guest read four pages of my main site and then jumped to the FORUM! Naturally he hasn’t left any written trace of his presence, but I cannot ask too much. I continue to ask myself what could be made in order to make my sites, and in particular those in English, more visible… as I have already said, sometimes when I send a post (not always) I find (by statistical sites) that this English bog is visited by someone coming from abroad, in average little more than a half from European countries and little less than a half from the USA, and just one o two from other countries, generally these accesses are short, starting from just seconds, to 2 or 3 minutes (rarest) but after this magical moment the site dusk becomes total and I can’t catch a visitor until the successive post… I hope, posting this to find some reader interested. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wait! Stop! Just a moment!

Wait! Stop! Just a moment! But is it possible? You have to get immediately out of this site and you can't read a line of my blog? I know well that all the readers you can find on the web hare usually in a hurry, I know well that the time is precious… but stop just a moment! Do you know someone interested in Italian language or in Italian culture? If you know someone tell him about this site… perhaps it could de useful for him! Thanks for listening!


Dear readers,
just started. Encouraged from the number of my readers, moreover collapsed after the week of glory of “Virgilio TOP FIVE” (my site “ESSERE IN DUE” vas published as “top five” site) and encouraged from the recurrent presence of some readers according to my statistical site, I decided to start a public access FORUM, I chose one that gives a good guarantee of seriousness and today, March 23 2006, I finally activated it. This FORUM whose URL is:
will be accessible from my site “ESSERE IN DUE” (“TO BE TWO”)
and from my blog, whose title is once again “TO BE IN TWO”
to the site I will add a dedicated page to the FORUM, to the BLOG I will add the connection in on directory “MY SITES” (“I MIEI SITI”) but I will be able to only give an warning (a post) that will slide towards the bottom with the arrival of the other posts; the structure of the blog does not allow to evidence too much links, the part of code HTML available is minimal. I will slowly try to become some more expert in the use of the Forum and will try to explain everything in a clear way on the page “FORUM” of the site “ESSERE IN DUE”. For the moment you can however approach the FORUM and, if you succeed to make it to work before I can, I will be the first one to be content. I know very well that just few web customers use a forum and that therefore many readers are mistrustful but I can guarantee to you that in my Forum, like in all my sites and blogs, there aren’t tricks neither trades purposes of any kind. It’s only an exchange of ideas between friends. Thanks!
I’m waiting for you! Characteristics of the FORUM: 1) Anyone can insert new posts; in order to approach like a gust sign up isn’t necessary! 2) Who thinks it opportune can, if he likes, to sign up (but this is not at all necessary in order to participate to the Forum), in this case he must insert a valid email to which the password will be sent. But, I repeat, all this procedure is not at all necessary in order to approach the Forum. The function that would concur to send an email through the forum to another recorded customer has been switched off, in order to avoid whichever possible action of disturbance (however almost unthinkable in a Forum like mine). 3) Clearly you must avoid putting in the posts things like last names, addresses, email, telephone or cellular numbers or credit card numbers. These things, included in a post, are automatically accessible to the public. 4) Now it’s enough in order to try to approach the Forum… I repeat that this is not a general Forum (where you can find some “minimal” risk, if a “minimum” of precaution is not used), this is the most checked Forum, and with high level of reliability. Therefore, you can try my forum in English. There is something also for you!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

My new site "LEARN ITALIAN"... just starting...

Are you interested in learning Italian online by practicing it with me, an old man living in Rome and involved in cultural activities, who is also interested in practicing English? You can easily write or speak Italian online to improve your skills in grammar or conversation, by exchanging e-mails or kipping in touch with a chat like MSN.Nothing commercial here, but only friendly. In short, you can get everything you need to learn and practice Italian (e-mail, text chat or voice chat).
As you know, real Italian language, used by Italian people, is very different from the grammar-Italian used in classrooms but not in real life. To understand a real Italian conversation you have to get accustomed to the slang, to the usual expressions, to the way native speakers speak in everyday conversation.
If you are interested in Italian or classical culture you can contact me also in order to exchange ideas about Italian history or culture.
Would you like to find an Italian-speaking language partner? I’m here! You only have to "break the ice”!
On my site http://xoomer.virgilio.it/learn_italian/index.htm you can look at you can directly look at Rai News 24, 24/7 news channel or, if you like better, you can listen to the Italian Radio or get some links to sites about learning Italian language (first the BBC page http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/italian/).


A new born in the family of my sites, this new site “LEARN ITALIAN”, created, I do not hide it, with the secret hope of finding finally some reader of English language, is about to learn Italian language by persons of English language, now it's only a very small experiment, but….

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Learn Italian

Would you like to learn Italian or simply practice it (reading, writing and speaking) exchanging ideas about what you like (your country, my country, and so on)? You have nothing better than get in touch with me, I’m not searching for money or anything like that, I only would like to get in touch with someone interested in learning Italian in US, in Canada or elsewhere, college students, teachers or what you like… Is there someone interested in Italian conversation?


Which connection exists between a galaxy and my site? Frankly I don't know but I think that web sailors live on far galaxies, from time to time arrives some small light flash, but generally it lasts only a second. I'm always sending signals in several directions but I never got an answer, I am trying to find some way in order to increase the visibility of my site because the frequency of the visitors is collapsed to the historical minimum… I usually check my mailboxes every day and also my site and the statistical one but I fear that I’m lost in some far galaxy. Visits: nobody at all! I will try with some directory, but I don’t think it will be useful!

Friday, May 19, 2006


I don’t know what to think, nobody at all, no… just one today visited my sites, no one opened this blog in an entire day, perhaps it’s not visible… but does it exist a way in order to become visible? Are there directories in order to be classified? Sure, I’m perplexed… what would I do in order to increase the visibility? The Yahoo Community allows you to have a discreet blog and also to enroll your blog in a directory or more, but there is a complicated mechanism of access and the directory is useful only for those who are advanced in informatics! What could the small non-professional web user do? My most important site was classified on Google some days ago, but till now only “2” single customers arrived to my site from the search engines with a search key that had some connection with my site (“How to avoid the sadness” and “to be two”) but others arrived trying very different search keys! … And then naturally these visitors ”for mistake” closed my site in less than a second … therefore going on this way I will never find I single reader, how could I find someone to chat or to exchange opinions? When I enter my posts, exactly in that moment, I register three or four accesses “bite and escape“ from abroad, then the total silence follows and lasts for hours! Have you something to suggest? Thank you!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Nothing from US, UK, Canada or elsewhere

I would have be able to insert other pictures of ancient monuments in Rome but it’s not easy to find pictures without copyright, and then got back to the usual message. To receive from you not a letter but at list a comment on the blog would be truly beautiful!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The temple of Vesta

The Round Temple is located with to the Portunus Temple in the archaeological area of the Foro Boario, the ancient market of the meats of Rome. Since the Renaissance it was famous as Temple of Vesta, in analogy to that one of the Roman Foro. When the dedication by a trader of olives, Marcus Octavius Erennius, was discovered the temple was correctly attributed to Hercules Victor, divinity already present in that zone. The Temple is the most ancient building in marble in Rome. It was realized in pentelico Greek marble in the I sec. b. C.; the restorations in lunense marble go back to the age of Tiberius.
Warning for my readers.
If you click on the photos you can magnify them, sure the game worth the candle! Thanks and please write two lines to me!

The Book of Spectacles

This is the inside of the COLOSSEO (Italian word), it was an enormous and beautiful amphitheater, called flavian amphitheater because the construction was ordered by the emperor Vespasian, founder of the flavian dynasty (Vespasian and his two sons Titus and Domitian). The amphitheater was inaugurated by the emperor Titus (emperor for the short period 79-81), about the celebration for the inauguration the poet Martial wrote his LIBER DE SPECTACULIS, “The Book of Spectacles”, where he describes what happened in the colosseo in that day, memorable and terrible things. The amphitheater, 52 meters high, comprised, on an area of approximately 19.000 mq., four orders or plans of 80 arches everyone and contained approximately 70.000 places.

St. Peter's Basilica and my posts

I could tell you something about this monument but it would be very little thing, you can better go to the Wikipedia page on St._Peter's_Basilica . And now something about this blog. I got other visits from abroad:
Germany Werdohl, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Brazil Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
United States unknown
United States Eugene, Oregon
United States Clayton, North Carolina
Thanks! I'm very pleased but I'd like better get some answer.
Searching in my statistical site by referrals, I got the address of some site of yours... there is someone in different languages I don’t know at all, others where very complicated so that I didn’t find any interesting information in order to get in touch. Can you just write a word…? I hope so! Thank you.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Italian history in pills

Which monument is this? We call it "altare della patria" now it contains the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, an anonymous soldier fallen in war 1915-1918 (not 1914-1915, because Italy entered the war in 1915). On this monument two phrases are written PATRIAE UNITATI – CIVIUM LIBERTATI, that means “to the unit of the native land” and “to the freedom of the citizens”. In origin it was the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, first King of Italy, born in 1820, king of Sardinia from 1848, king of Italy from 1861, died in 1878.
And now we return to the more important issue. Where are you, all over the world, Italian art lovers? I have already said these things… I’m becoming boring, I repeat, repeat, always the same thing… I have to change my music in order to get some more audience… perhaps it’s pathetic… but I’d want to succeed in finding some person interested to these things, I’d like only to exchange some ideas. What do Americans or Canadians or Australians think about Italy (art and culture but also daily life)? Have you ever been in Italy? Which impression did you bring back? Would you come here a second time?

Monday, May 15, 2006


Wow! Mi blog got the first visit from US (Texas Huston) and the first from Brazil (Rio De Janeiro) but I don’t know how to keep my blog visible after the moment I published it. Usually I get some visits (only) after that moment, but after two or three minutes a long silence begins till my new post, my little moment of glory ends in just a second! Do you know how to improve my visibility on the net? I’d like very well suggestions on this subject. If you like, just e/mail me or at list write a little comment (better with the address of your blog).

Nobody in US, Canada and Australia interested in classical culture?

I’d admit that my website (blog) isn’t so beautiful, there aren’t such interesting things, there aren’t special effects, neither curious things or jokes… It’s true, there are only boring things… but I ask myself, how is it possible that nobody reads my posts in the United States or Canada or Australia or also in England, here, in old Europe, just two steps from Italy… nevertheless nothing… I’ve got some readers from foreign countries, but very little thing, and always in a hurry. From my statistical site I can follow, at least until the privacy allows it, … It’s true, there are only boring things… but I ask myself, how is it possible that nobody reads my posts in the United States or Canada or Australia or also in England, here, in old Europe, just two steps from Italy… nevertheless nothing… I’ve got some readers from foreign countries, but very little thing, and always in a hurry. From my statistical site I can follow, at least until the privacy allows it, the activity of my readers on the site and from what I can see I only deduce that my website and what it proposes doesn't interest to nobody… I'm a little disappointed but nevertheless I wish to continue… perhaps my worst quality English can stop people potentially interested or perhaps I choose badly the titles or I do not know where to publicize my blog… I address to the College Students interested in practice Italian or classical subjects, to teachers, to all the persons who love the Italian and classical culture… where are you? I will continue writing my posts without getting tired, someone will answer, and at least I hope so.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Latet anguis in herba

Latet anguis in herba
(Vergil's Third Eclogue).

this phrase means " the snake hides in the grass", is a way to say in order to indicate that " must be prudent". Until here all good, but if there is someone that is interested to the language or to the Italian culture he must not have fear, "there aren't snakes in the grass!"
I never got neither single visit from US or Canada, only one from Australia, noting at all from UK. Nobody can read my posts? ...
And then the Latin, also in pills, is a beautiful language like English and Italian.
Dante said:

"nati non foste a viver come bruti
ma per seguir virtute e conoscenza"

this means that " we are not been born for living like the animals but in order to follow the virtue and wisdom . Therefore, courage!

Searching for someone in order to chat together in Italian or in English

My blog is going on, I don’t know why but I just got visits from:

France Paris, Ile-de-France,
Poland Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko-Pomorskie,
Portugal Nogueira, Viseu,
Estonia Tallinn, Harjumaa,
Australia Perth, Western Australia,

Tanks everybody!

I got also a little comment on my last picture. That’s the beginning, but I hope someone to write something else and e/mail me, I just checked my mailbox that was empty!
After this big wave of messages from abroad the total calm arrived… I’ll kip putting pictures un my posts, pictures of Rome monuments… I go to check the Site Meter… nothing else…

Is there someone interested in Italian language, or in Latin language and civilization ?

I got a visit from Perth (Western Australia), therefore there’s someone over there who can read my posts! Great! It would be better e/mail me but I know people don’t like writing… and I have to apologize because I didn’t put my e/mail in my profile but I just inserted it, now, if you like, you can contact me!
Remember, if you study Italian or Latin or have intention sooner or later to come to Italy and to Rome in particular, it would be useful to get in contact with me. American, Canadian or Australian students don’t like Italy at all? No one of them studies Italian or Latin? Is it possible? Here in Italy, nowadays, studying English is mandatory in every kind of school… when I was young things where different, everybody (like me) studied French but now, by songs, films, internet and so on, English is spoken or at list understood everywhere also in Italy.
I can guarantee to you that Italy is beautiful and to know its history and its ancient and modern culture is useful for one wide cultural formation.

If you study Latin, or Italian...

If you study Latin, or Italian, or Italian literature and you are interested in writing or speaking Italian, in reading old authors (like Dante), or in studying Latin or Roman history, you can contact me simply by adding a comment to this post. I like very well to kip in touch with students or with someone else interested in cultural (classical) subjects. I’m an old man, I only care to open a dialogue with persons of English language on arguments that concern the history and the languages of my country. Probably you have understood that the my English isn’t so much good and must be improved, this is an other reason that pushes me to take contact with persons of English language. I hope that someone can read this message from the United States from Canada or from any other place where English is spoken. Until this moment I never got an answer to my previous posts but the hope is not jet completely collapsed.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Nothing from US or Canada

No more than 14 months ago, I created my website “ESSERE IN DUE” about being two, it was a website both for young and older people. My site started just like a little thing, but then step by step it became gradually more consisting. Next Sunday my website was classified TOP FIFE by Virgilio, one of the most important web companies in Italy, the days after the TOP FIVE classification, my site was visited by over thousand people a day, my site was also placed in Google motor. By my statistical site I was informed that it was visited from 15 different countries all over the world, including Japan, Egypt and Iceland but no visits from US neither from Canada. Now my week of glory is going to an end and my site will catch only ten o less visits a day. I don’t understand exactly what happened but, I repeat, no one from US or from Canada. Europe is an old Lady, it’s true, and Europe countries hardly know just something about America but, that’s my question, what do they know Americans about Europe? Are they interested in reading something about my ancient country? Are they used to surf European web ocean? I’m waiting for an answer.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Beacon in the night

It is beautiful to see a beacon far away in the night, the night seems less black.

It is beautiful to receive a message and to think that there is someone that reads what you write, and that effectively decides to answer to you… If there is someone of you interested in Italian or English conversation written or spoken (with some difficulty) go ahead, I'm waiting for an answer to my blog. If you like, visit my blogs, those in English are elementary but that one in Italian is worth the pain to read it. Have you something to ask to me on Italy, on the life in Italy or on the Italian culture? Go ahead and I will answer in Italian or in English, as you like it better.

Ancient Europe

This in my second post. It’s very hard to build a blog like this. I was used to MSN blog and now I have to start also this Google blog. Like you can see in my profile and below the site title, I’m searching for someone interested in exchanging experiences on cultural issues but also on young people life in other countries all over the world. I’d like better people from US or Canada in order to hear something about countries I have dreamed about. Europe is an ancient country, history, culture and so on, but I’d like to know something new about the new world that is so different!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Starting my blog

Dear friends,
I'm writing from Rome (Italy), English is not my native language, I'm searching for someone interested in exchanging e-mails in Italian or in English. I'd like to correspond with students 18 or over (better if interested in italian culture), but also with teachers or with someone else in order to improve their skills in Italian writing (by e-mail) or conversation (msn for example) and my skills in English (that are not so good). Better if you are interested in classical culture. I don't know how many people will give me an answer, I hope at list... one!
I just created my site in Italian, "ESSERE IN DUE"
and also my blog in Italian
My site and my blog are about "to be two", if you can read just a little Italian you could start from my site or my blog, if you like. I'd be very pleased.
Hi everybody!